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2017-2018 Events 

Important Dates:

Bowling at HeyDay with SPE //September 15th

Bowling at Heyday is Friday, September 15th from 6-8! We will pay for bowling, pizza, and drinks. And We will have a wonderful night with SPE!

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Club Meeting //September 6th

Pick and Hammer meeting will be on Wednesday at 5pm in SEC M220. We will be discussing events planned for the coming semester. We will also be eating pizza.

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Student Mineral Auction //September 20th

The Pick and Hammer Club will be having a student auction on Wednesday,

20 September from 10-3pm, in P340 on the 3rd floor (Plaza Level) of Sarkey's Energy Center. There will be a silent auction (minerals pictured) as well as a buy it now table with constantly changing specimens! Proceeds will benefit the club and help pay for trips and events.

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Wichita Mountains Trip //September 30th

The Pick and Hammer Club left Norman around 9:00AM on Saturday, September 30th, hiked Sharon’s Garden Trail and Elk Mountain Trail, and visited a rock shop and Mt.Scott and camped for a night there.

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Science in Auction //October 1st

Pick and Hammer representatives manned a booth at the Sam Noble History Museum in Norman, OK. They educated the public on the rock cycle and rock identification, answered questions, and helped identify any items the public brought in

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Club Meeting //October 17th

Pick and Hammer meeting will be on Tuesday at 5pm in SEC M220. We will be discussing events planned for the semester. We will also be eating chickens from Canes.

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Student Mineral Auction //October 18th

The Pick and Hammer Club will be having a student auction on Wednesday,

18 October from 10-3pm, in P350 on the 3rd floor (Plaza Level) of Sarkey's Energy Center. There will be a silent auction (minerals pictured) as well as a buy it now table with constantly changing specimens! Proceeds will benefit the club and help pay for trips and events.

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Fossil Trip //November 5th

Fossils Trip, November 5th from 10-12 pm! We looked for fossils in the Ordovician Bromide Formation in Ardmore, OK. Fossils include Trilobites and blastoids.Then we had lunch at Chili's.

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Alumni Auction//November 10th​

The auction and banquet took place at the Petroleum Club of Oklahoma City. Volunteers sat at the mineral tables answering any questions potential bidders had about them while getting to socialize with Alumni.

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Outreach Merit Badge //November 18

The Cub Scouts will be visiting Sarkey's from 8 am to 12 pm and we will be teaching them about geology and environmental science. We will also be helping some Boy Scouts earn their geology badges.

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Outreach Merit Badge and Boy's Scat //November 7

In the past we have helped Boy Scout Pack 291 with their Earth Rocks achievement badge, and they have asked us to help this year again! It will be one Tuesday the 7th at First Methodist Church in Moore at 7pm.

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Science Olympiad Student Seminar â€‹//November 4

An outreach opportunity this upcoming Saturday, November 4th. Pick and Hammer will be presenting seminars on two introductory geology topics to high school and middle school students. We will need some volunteers to help present a PowerPoint and answer questions students may have on these topics. 

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Science Olympiad Tournament//December 3nd

This Saturday there will be a Science Olympiad tournament in Norman. Pick and Hammer will be serving as event supervisors for two events, Rocks and Minerals and Dynamic Planet. Volunteers will be responsible for be setting up, administering, and grading the performance of the competing teams for these two events.

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Longfellow Middle School(sixth grade) //October 20th

There are 10 presentations We need volunteers We will teach them about rock types,tectonics, weathering and erosion.

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Bryant Elementary School in Moore//October 27th

The Pick and Hammer Club will be having teaching tools for this teaching opportunity. It will be on the 27th of Oct at 10am. As it is for kindergarteners, it will be fun and not very complicated information.It is at the Bryant Elementary school in Moore. 

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Timber Creek Elementary ​//November 2nd

Pick and Hammer help with constucting the rock cycle and mineral display case at Timber Creek Elementary  for 6th grader students.  

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Bryant Elementary School in Moore â€‹//November 3

The Pick and Hammer Club will be having teaching tools for this teaching opportunity. It will be on the 3rd of Nov at 10am. As it is for kindergarteners, it will be fun and not very complicated information.It is at the Bryant Elementary school in Moore and the topic is erusion.  

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Skiatook High School Mineral Kit​//November 9-12th

The Pick and Hammer Club will be help with the rock and mineral kit for the Earth Scince Course for 9-12th grade students,

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Last Club Meeting //November 29th

Pick and Hammer meeting will be on Tuesday at 5pm in SEC 1446. We will be discussing events planned for next semester. We will also be eating Pizza at campus corner.

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Science Olympiad Tournament//January 27th

Our first outreach event this semester will be Saturday, January 27th. This will be a Science Olympiad Tournament at PC North High school in Northwestern Oklahoma City. 

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Club Meeting //January 25th

Pick and Hammer meeting will be on Thursday at 5pm in SEC M220. We will be discussing events planned for the coming semester. We will also be eating pizza.

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Tucson Mineral Show// February 2nd-5th

Officers and potential officers went to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show to procure minerals for the Alumni Auction. They were able to get donations and make valuable contacts for future years.

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Club Meeting //February 15th

Pick and Hammer meeting will be on Thursday at 5pm in SEC M220. We will be discussing events planned for the coming semester. We will also be eating pizza.

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Club Meeting Valentine's Roses //February 14th

Didn’t have time to get roses for your special someone for Valentine’s Day? Worried about spending money on something that won’t last? Well, Pick and Hammer Club has got your back! The club sold roses rock from 10:00AM to 3:00PM outside the elevators on the second floor of Sarkeys Energy Center! Rose rocks, truly do last forever.

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Opportunity SEC Tour //February 20th

Pick and Hammer will be hosting 4th graders This week for a tour of SEC. We will need volunteers to join in the activities and help guide students around the building. The event is on Tuesday, February 20th from 10:30am-12:30pm.We hope to make this an engaging and fun experience for these kids. If you are interested in helping please fill out this doodle poll.

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Student Mineral Auction //March 7th

The Pick and Hammer Club will be having a student auction on Wednesday,

7th March from 10-3pm, on the second floor of Sarkeys near the elevators.There will be a silent auction (minerals pictured) as well as a buy it now table with constantly changing specimens! Proceeds will benefit the club and help pay for trips and events.

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Bowling at HeyDay //March 9th

Bowling at Heyday is Friday, March 9th from 7-9! We will pay for bowling, pizza, and drinks. And We will have a wonderful night!

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SEC Tour //March 14th

Pick and Hammer will be giving a group of 8th graders a tour of the SEC. We will also have activities for these students to participate in. The event is on Wednesday, March 14th from 10:30am-12:00pm.We hope to make this an engaging and fun experience for these kids. If you are interested in helping please fill out this doodle poll.

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Club Meeting //March 29th

Pick and Hammer meeting will be on Thursday at 5pm in SEC M220. We will be discussing events planned for the coming semester. We will also be Cane's chicken.

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Science Olympiad Tournament//April 7th

This Saturday there will be a Science Olympiad tournament in Norman. Pick and Hammer will be serving as event supervisors for two events, Rocks and Minerals and Dynamic Planet. Volunteers will be responsible for be setting up, administering, and grading the performance of the competing teams for these two events.

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Student Mineral Auction //April 18th

The Pick and Hammer Club will be having a student auction on Wednesday,

18th April from 10-3pm, on the second floor of Sarkeys near the elevators.There will be a silent auction (minerals pictured) as well as a buy it now table with constantly changing specimens! Proceeds will benefit the club and help pay for trips and events.

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Big Event //April 14th

This year Pick and Hammer joined the MCEE for the Big Event. We went to the Center for Children and Families here in Norma and did some yardwork.

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Sarkeys Energy Center Tours Sarkeys Energy Center //April 18th

Pick and Hammer will be giving a tour of the Sarkeys Energy Center to a group of 3rd and 4th graders this Wednesday, April 18th. The tour will be from 10:00am to 12:00pm. If you would like to help please fill out the doodle poll below.

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Club Meeting //April 26th

Pick and Hammer meeting will be on Thursday at 5pm in SEC M220. We will be electing new officers and talking about how this semester went and what to expect for next year.

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