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Pick and Hammer Constitution

Pick and Hammer Constitution​

Amended on: September 14, 2014

Amended on: November 3, 2021


Article I (Organization Name)


Hereinafter this organization shall be known as “Pick & Hammer” and will be registered as a “departmental student organization” at the University of Oklahoma.


(As a Departmental Student Organization (DSO) the organization “Pick and Hammer” may use the following trademarks within the organization name if approval has been granted by the OU Licensing and Trademark Office: the interlocking OU, Boomer Sooner, Oklahoma, Sooner(s), and (The) University of Oklahoma, and campus imagery (such as a departmental logo) specific to the relevant department or academic unit.)



Article II (Purpose)


The purpose of the Organization is to raise awareness for Geo-Sciences, to create a meeting place for students, and provide the local community engaging experiences for all levels of geoscience interests. These goals are accomplished by involving students and the community through trips to geologic locations, experimentation, and identification kits for younger students, while continuing to sponsor both community and educational related events.


Article III (Membership)


Section 1 All students currently enrolled in the University of Oklahoma are eligible for membership. An active University of Oklahoma email address, registered with Pick and Hammer, is required to become a qualified member.


Section 2 Active memberships shall be determined by attendance at a minimum of two meetings, events, or outreach opportunities per year.


Section 3 Other members of the University of Oklahoma community (defined as past and present faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni) may attend the Organization’s meetings and select activities (as determined by the President) but may not; conduct business on behalf of the Organization, vote, hold positions of responsibility, included but not limited to elected positions, or involved in the finances of the Organization.


Section 4 Membership in association with benefits emanating from the organization, its related activities, shall be based upon such considerations; performance, educational achievement, criteria related to the goals of the organization, and purposes of the activities. Judgments regarding an individual’s race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital status, or political belief are not considered. All members have equal rights and privileges with respect to membership, holding an office, and participating in the election of officers for the Organization. Further, the purpose of the organization must be consistent with public policy as established by prevailing University of Oklahoma Community standards. 


Article IV (Officers & Advisors)


Section 1 The Officers of the Organization shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Archivist, and Public Outreach Coordinator. 


Section 2 The Officers of the Organization shall be elected by a simple majority of the qualified voting membership present at a general meeting. (Majority being more than 50%) A tie result will require a second vote for the position. If the second vote again ends in a tie the Advisor can be consulted to make a final decision.


Section 3 Any officer of the Organization may resign at any time by delivering a written notice or email of such resignation to the President, or in the case of the resignation of the President, to the Vice President no less than two weeks prior to the end of their office term.


Section 4 If a vacancy should arise, an election will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Current Officers and Organization members may be appointed to vacant Officer positions by a majority vote of officers if a vacancy should arise. In the event of a split decision the Advisors will be consulted. The Temporary Officer will fulfill the duties of the appointed office until an election can be held.


Section 4 Any Officer may be removed for any cause by a three-fourths vote of the qualified voting membership.


Section 5 Potential officers will be invited to an outreach or social event before the end of the current elected officers’ term, gaining an understanding of the responsibilities for each position. The number of non-officer slots available for this event shall be equal to the number of officer positions in Organization. (Traditionally potential officers join current officers for the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show in Tucson, AZ, which normally takes place during early to mid February).


Section 6 The responsibilities and duties of the officers are as follows:

  1. President:

    1. Shall be the chief executive officer of the Organization.

    2. Distribute monies from the Organization’s bank account and will bear the Organization’s check book and debit card.

    3. Preside at all meetings.

    4. Direct the affairs of the Organization with the advice and consent of the other officers.

    5. Manage Officer elections.

    6. Serve on the Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC).

    7. Appoint a temporary note-taker should the secretary be unable to attend the Organization’s meeting.

    8. If there is no current President, the remainder of the President’s term shall be filled in the following order of succession: Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Outreach Coordinator, and lastly Archivist.

  2. Vice President:

    1. Perform such duties that are delegated by the President.

    2. Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.

    3. Assume the duties of the President in case of illness or absence.

    4. Serve on the Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) with the President.

    5. Manage the annual Mineral Auction and acquisition of auction materials.

    6. Manage and curate the Organization’s mineral collections.

    7. Manage events with consent and direction from the President.

  3. Treasurer:

    1. Collect all monies keeping records thereof.

    2. Collect all receipts of expenditures keeping records thereof.

    3. Maintain detailed financial reports for the Organization and Officers.

    4. Provide financial reports to the President monthly and to the Organization at each meeting.

    5. Inform the President when monies need to be paid from the Organization’s bank account.

    6. Has access to the Organization’s bank account and will hold the Organization’s check book.

    7. Keeps record of how many “outreach” handouts such as genius boxes, and Geodes we have in storage. (This will determine when the outreach coordinator needs to repurchase and how often).

    8. Keeps record of potential sales profit for minerals in surplus boxes. (This will determine which minerals are needed for repurchase and which sell the most over the course of the year)

  4. Secretary:

    1. Notify club members of meetings no less than five days in advance. 

    2. Maintain and distribute the minutes of each meeting.

    3. Document every election.

    4. Track Organization attendance.

    5. Maintain a list of qualified members of the Organization.

    6. Manage Organization communication through regular electronic updates.

  5. Public Outreach Coordinator: & Public Outreach Coordinator 2:

    1. Seek out outreach opportunities through contact with members of the community, the University of Oklahoma, and the Organization.

    2. Plan and manage outreach events with the advice and consent of the officers.

    3. Act as the liaison between the Organization and those receiving service from the Organization.

    4. Works with Archivist to update handouts such as brochures, stickers, along with letters to schools and organizations.


  1. Archivist:

    1. Maintain all social media.

      1. Social Media as of (11/03/2021) includes: 

        1. Facebook page and group

        2. Instagram profile

        3. YouTube channel

        4. Antiformal Podcast

        5. LinkTree

    2. Has the ability to take on volunteers for temporary positions for “outreach opportunities” such as video editor, sound editor, and so on. (Temporary positions count as one outreach event for one semester)

    3. Maintain Google Drive or Cloud Images from events and videos for podcasts.

    4. Maintain and video Podcasts periodically.

    5. Correspond with Advisors regarding the Organization’s website.


Section 7 The term of office shall last one academic year, beginning after finals week of the Spring semester and ending at the conclusion of the following Spring semester.


Section 8 The Organization shall have as Advisor(s) a full time member of the University faculty or staff.


Section 9 The Advisors’ role in the Organization shall be limited to offering advice or feedback to the Organization, in addition to the other duties delegated by the President.


Section 10 The Advisor(s) shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Officers. Unless the majority of Officers vote to remove the Advisor(s) and appoint someone else.


Article V (Election Procedure)


Section 1 Elections shall not be valid absent substantial compliance with this Article.


Section 2 Elections shall be held at the end of the Spring Semester before the commencement of final examinations. In the event there are no candidates for an office, the office may remain open until an election is called.


Section 3 Elections may only take place if at least one week’s notice of the date, time, and location of the election is given to members of the Organization.


Section 4 Nominations will take place at the beginning of the meeting at which elections are to take place. No nominations will be taken after elections begin. 


Section 5 Voting shall be by secret paper ballot if in person, or by using an online voting application if attending remotely, with each qualified present member having one vote for each position. There shall be no absentee or proxy voting with respect to any matter.


Section 6 The Secretary shall document the names of the qualified members present at the election and the positions they are running for prior to election as well as the number of votes that each candidate running receives during the election process.


Section 7 When an election is for more than one office, the order of voting shall be in the following order: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Outreach Coordinator, and lastly Archivist.


Section 8 Any active member of the Organization may run for any office if they’ve been a qualified active member (present at any 2 events) for a minimum of one semester. 


Section 9 Members of the Organization running for office are required to give a presentation of goals and priorities for their desired position (not to exceed 5 minutes). A question-and-answer period, by members, will follow each presentation.


Section 10 In no instance shall any one person fulfill more than one Officer position.

An active member may be a candidate for more than one office but must immediately remove oneself for consideration of any other Officer position after being elected.


Article VI (Additional Governing Principles)


Section 1 The Organization is subject to Local, State, and Federal Laws.


Section 2 The Organization is independent from any national or parent organization.


Section 3 Voting on topics other than elections for the organization Pick and Hammer shall occur during a meeting by a show of hands, verbal agreement, or by using an online voting application, with each qualified present member having one vote for each topic of discussion issue. There shall be no absentee or proxy voting with respect to any matter. Votes on general topics other than elections shall be approved by majority vote of the qualified present members.


Section 4 A quorum will be formed of the officers and advisor(s) to vote and delineate the expenditures for all large sum donated funds such as scholarships, grants, or other large monetary donations. From which the quorum can create bylaws directing repeat or planned future expenditures for the donation if it is renewed annually. 


Article VII (Amendment Procedure)


The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Organization’s qualified voting membership present at a general meeting.



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